Inspired by A. Canvas

Write an Oulipo poem about winter. Oulipo poetry is written by setting strict rules for yourself. These rules are up to you, but the goal is to give yourself a challenge.

Be sure to list the rules you followed to inspire and create new forms!


A soft snowfall

Below my feet it crunches

Cold air wraps sround me

Deep down I love the cold

Even if It hurts my

Fingers a toes

Gloves on scarf on makes it better

Hate to see the snow melt

It makes the ground all muddy

Just in time for the flowers to grow

Kill the flowers when the snow comes in again

Life is not here

Many things are gone

Never the less we move one

Open the window

Pour some hot tea

Quaint little cottage

Reading with you and me

Sit in the window and watch the snow fall

Till it gets dark and things get to cold

Up ths stairs i go to bed

Very grateful for the snow that has fallen

Welcoming the morning

X on the calender

You know what it means

Zero Days till winter break


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