My Silent Friend

My Silent Friend

You have been with me through all my special moments,

From the day we arrive to the day we depart.

Each of your colors holds meaning, representing your quiet significance.

You sit in the corner, beautiful and reserved,

Providing ambiance and alluring the room.

Many pass by just to breathe in your aroma,

Each inhalation recalling memories of the moments you were given to them.

Your petals, delicate and fragile, are like the memories you hold close and quiet.

You have been with me since birth,

Celebrating life alongside me in your silent grace.

In the garden, you grew year after year, as I did.

You marked every milestone—

Birthdays, graduations, weddings, the birth of my daughter.

And one day, you will be there on my final day,

When the breath leaves my body.

You will adorn me one last time,

And when you return to the earth,

We will know we shared life together,

Silent companions through every season.

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