Kyle Cleveland @ Unsplash

Write a horror or thriller story inspired by this image.

minutes before the 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨

hssss, the tv static buzzed in her ears, an annoying droning that she begged would just shut up.

she considered for just a moment punching the stupid tv and breaking it, but that wouldn't be the best idea, now would it?

no, she'd need a blunt object to break it with!

she wandered her room, looking for something she could use to just bash the tv to smithereens; it was all she felt like doing at the moment, and who was going to stop her? her mom was the one that locked her in this room and begged her to just watch her show and keep quiet while she took a supposedly very important phone call. what could be more important than your daughter, though? she thought her mother had her priorities mixed up.

searching around her room was starting to become quite boring, if she was being honest. she presumed she could escape through the window if she really wanted to, but that felt a bit overkill.

mucking about searching beneath furniture and inside desks clearly wasn't working, so it was then she decided she was going to open the dreaded Blue Plastic Box beneath the bed.

and, upon opening it up, she found..

another box.

and upon opening that box, she found a clock shaped like a statue. score!

she readied her murder weapon in her hand, before--

the tv turned back on. there was a young effeminate boy on the screen with light orange, curly hair and sporting a white-collared shirt reminiscent of the color bars one sees when the tv isn't working properly. along with that, he had bicolored red & blue shorts, the red side polka dotted. he held a microphone in his hands just far enough from his mouth so that anybody watching wouldn't hear whatever he was muttering to himself. the strangest part of this, however, was the array of tvs behind him.

he glanced forward. one could convince her he was looking through the screen directly at her and she'd believe them.

then, he began to speak.

"why, hello, people of lansing!" he said in a chillingly cheery voice, "welcome to my broadcast! i recommend you sit back, relax, and let the magic happen! because i assure you, this'll be the broadcast of a lifetime." he riffled through his pocket for a moment before pulling out a rectangular object with various wires pouring out of it and a red, important-looking button on it. and in a click of said button,

everything went black.

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