Last Love

The sound of blaring sirens, lights, laser pointers pin point every movement as frantic sound of foot steps of armoured men armed with the teeth outside the blast doors and bullet proof glass.

Phone rings, I pick it up its the negotiator. He asked if we need food and a peaceful resolution and if the hostages are alright we would get a light sentence.

Switch on the tv head lines two fugitives history of drugs and violence holding hostages in a bank containing a vault the building is completely surrounded.

My beautiful partner in crime said look at them they are trying to discredit us on to the world the strategy the Media.

She says kissing me we have taken hostages and shot someone that’s life imprisonment stop being so stupid and naive.

I said were are innocent this only belongs to the people not some rich bastard. She says but nobody knows that now they just see two of us with guns taking hostages.

“Our fate is sealed and there is nothing we can do about it”

Love you loads I said. She said I love you too

Time suddenly stopped in a whirlwind of dreams and emotions.

Glass shattered , smoke filled the air, blinding white flashes from flash bangs caused ringing ears as these two lovers kissed in slow motion as bullets whizzed by in a overarching embrace for eternity. Bullets ripped up the furniture, hostages stayed stunned on the floor whilst money blew in a dance and two bodies in a loving embrace as bullets ripped through their chest flung like rag dolls on the other side lay slumped on the floor.

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