looking out my window
seeing the leaves change color
the ones that used to be green
are no longer
now they’re red
and yellow
and orange
a lot of orange
and as the leaves change
so do I
so do my feelings
I can quite understand it
I can’t quite tell you what I feel
but I know it’s a bit different than before
maybe I’ll go back to feeling the way I did
like the leaves will fall
but then be revived in the spring
but for now
I’m a mucked up puddle
with orange leaves
that people have stepped on
trampled over
but you can still tell they’re orange
that’s me
I’m still me
even though I’m different
I feel different
I act differently
but like you can count on
the orange sun to rise and set
without failure, each day
you can count on me
to come back
stronger than ever
I just have to get through this
that’s what I keep telling myself, anyways
sometimes it’s real hopeless
sometimes I feel like that forgotten leaf
the one that fell and was trampled on
stepped on on stomped on
but maybe someone noticed
and picked it out of the muck
I just need someone to pick me out of the muck
out of the gross, slimy, mud
of what has become me life