Submitted by Norris Reynolds

Write a poem about the perfect way to start the day.


Waking up

On my own accord,

No annoying alarms

To jolt me awake.

Feeling refreshed,

An energized feeling,


Flows through my veins.

What a way

To start the day,

But that’s not all

To my morning routine!

Getting out of bed

At my own pace,

No race

To force me forward.

Down the stairs,

Breathing in the air,

Step by step,

Breath by breath.

Making my

Ideal breakfast of


I begin to eat.

The delectable combination

Of milk and cereal

Sparks up a party

On my taste buds.

Putting my now

Empty bowl

In the dishwasher,

The cleaning begins.

A day that starts out clean,

Neat, pristine,

That is the perfect way

To start the day.

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