Your new college roommate turns out to be someone you disliked in high school.
Continue the story.
New Roommate
The first thing I sense when I open the door to my new home for the next few years was the smell. It was the smell of someone who went on the longest run known to man kind, for fun and then proceeded to do one hundred pushups with the windows closed so the stink can be sucked up from the walls. Then do it all over again.
I plug my nose and kick the door open. Inside its a whole mess. Beside the two beds, two desks, two closets that are on opposite sides of the room so you can have your own space, there is clothes littered on every part of the floor. Just looking at it makes me dizzy, as if it will suck me in at any time.
I keep my feet planted at the entrence and let my eyes wander to the walls, there were posters up. I don’t really know much about sports but I definitely know that those are soccer, football and basketball posters above my roommates bed. Moving unto my side of the room my bed is left untouched.
Thank God.
I take a daring step forward, locking the door behind me. Staying clear of the clothes I don’t even dream of touching without a whole tank of disinfectant I move through the mounds of stink. I clumslying make it to my bed and collapse on it. I take a deep breath to let my mind settle.
Bad idea. I cough loudly, trying not to die from the bed smell. Opening the window is my next task. I do it swiftly since my life now depends on that. Talking a breath on the clean air was all I needed. I turn around, ready to clean all the shit up so I can live confotably.
I start with the clothes on the ground, thankfully I have gloves from the trash pick up from last week. I find a laundry basket that must be his since I haven’t put mine out yet. I stuff all his clothes in it while also taking a good look of the bathroom. It’s better then the actual room but still way to gross for my liking. I’ll have to wipe down all the counters.
I get back to work, cleaning up and unpacking my things. And during all that I debat to pull out my tape to put a line in between our things. But then the angel side of me convinces me to me him first instead of assuming by how he treats his room.
By the sky from outside it tells me that I have spent way to much time organizing my stuff and putting it in nicely, but I can’t help it. I look up to the clock I hung up and read out 6:35. When the fuck is this roommate going to show up?
I finish when I feel satisfied with how everything looks and by how the room smells. I jump into bed with my phone, I don’t even noticed how much time goes by when I feel my stomach grumble.
I should really get some dinner.
Getting up I head towards the bathroom. I check my reflection so to make sure I look somewhat presentable, I fix my hair a bit anfd throw my shoes on. I get my keys, phone, wallet and headphones. I unlock the door thinking not much of it but I really should have asked who my roommate is.
“Cayden?” I look up. Fuck, its Onyx. The only guy I couldn’t stand all through out high school. “The fuck are you doing here?” He asks as if it’s not the most obvious reason.
“I’m your roommate dumbass”
“I’m getting a new roommate”
“Not unless I get one first”