Write a story where the written word, in any form, is outlawed.

Rather than focusing on why text is outlawed, try to build a story that highlights one aspect of this world. Think about how often we see words written down, and how the world would look without them.

Dear Reader

If you’re reading this, I’m either in prison serving for life or dead. Please, for your own safety, do not tell anyone about this journal, keep it hidden, it’s actually a miracle if you managed to find it yourself. This nation is corrupt. I know what you’re thinking, “what could be corrupt, this place is perfect!”, but that’s just what they want you to believe. Outside of this place there is so much more, we’ve all been lied to for generations. If you’re reading this, I am passing on my mission to you. In the back of this book I have all the evidence that you need to show people the truth. What I need you to do is use this information and do everything you can to make it public, but do be careful, reader, because rebellion is punishable by death. Please, reader, do not let them control us for any longer, because if you do, they may finish the plan started centuries ago, the pl
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