
Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.

War On The Moon

TICK…TICK…TICK………BOOM! There goes another plasma time bomb blowing up the whole front line of moon soldiers. Only 2 more hours until the next one is set off. Guns blare, and people roar as the fight for supremacy goes on. “Move up! Move up! We need to stop the enemy from setting off another of their time bombs. We can NOT give up!” Says general Krot, speaking louder and more clear than he usually does to inform his soldiers of the objective. “Sir, the enemy has the upper hand! They’ve got plasma launchers, and we got….well… plasma grenades.” One of general Krot’s soldiers say. “SO THEN WE USE WHATEVER WE GOT TO FIGHT AGAINST THEM. Here, take some plasma grenades and throw them from the east side of the battlefield! That should take them by surprise—“ “And then you take the heavies up onto the battlefield to gain the upper hand!” “Precisely. But hurry, we only got til 1830 which is when the third time bomb goes off, and if that happens, then we will all be blown to smitharenes.” PEW! PEW PEW……BLAST. BLAST. KABOOOM goes further blasts from the guns. As the loyal soldier does what he is told, the general gathers a group of heavies and heads towards the battlefield. All the while, the enemy calls for reinforcements. “Смотри! Смотри! солдаты на фронте.” One of the enemy soldiers shout to his fellow assault men. Taking the enemies by surprise, the loyal soldier throws the plasma grenades long and hard at the enemy’s trench in a crater…. CLICK…ppppPPPFFFF……POW! POW! POW! Success. General Krot’s men move up and takes out enemy soldiers forcing the enemy to fall back. “отступать! отступайте, мужики, отступайте!” As the moon army Marches forward to take control of what originally belonged to them, the enemy flies back to Earth to receive a loss. Meanwhile, everybody back on the moon is cheering and shouting for they have won! Victory is theirs at last at exactly 1830….. KKAAAAAAAABBBBOOOOOOM!!!!!! there goes the third plasma time bomb.
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