Submitted by Anon Y. Mous
It all started with the old cars hidden in the woods…
Write a horror or mystery story starting with these words.
Somewhere Out In The Woods
It all started with the old cars hidden in the woods.
Frankie had told us about them. Buried deep in the forest, piles of rust covered classics. Miles from the main road. Theo and I guessed it was just an old junkyard. But Frankie swore it was an actual manufacturing factory. And the building itself was out there somewhere.
That’s what made us finally agree to go. The thought of an untouched car factory from the fifties made us giddy. Who knew what valuables we could find.
We all snuck out of our respective homes right before midnight, figuring we’d be home in time for school. I had packed light, throwing a few things in my backpack. Before I creeped through my dark house and hurried off on my bike.
We all met up at the train crossing, barely outside of town. We were eager to start, and hastily made it to the edge of the woods.
“You sure you know the way?” I had asked Frankie, skeptical about his sense of direction.
“Of course,” he rolled his eyes, and pulled out a small compass from his pocket. “It’s northeast.”
“Northeast from where, dumbass?” Theo chimed in.
“Here I guess, I don’t freaking know.”
“Great.” I snatched the compass from his hand and marched into the woods, not about to give up already. “We’ll find it.”
Frankie and Theo glanced at each other before following.
We walked for a couple of hours, hiking over small hills and crossing little creeks. Eventually we stopped recognizing landmarks, walking further out then we’d ever been before.
My feet burned before we neared a little clearing. I looked at my watch, seeing it was almost 5.
“Shit, it’s almost sunrise.” I grumbled.
“Shh! Shut up!” Frankie whispered loudly, pointing towards a light between the trees.
We ducked low, watching with baited breaths.
The light didn’t move but it definitely wasn’t natural. We inched closer, our footsteps crunching leaves.
There in the small clearing, stood a car. A rusted out old car, although it definitely was not fifties. One dim headlight was on.
“Ugh it’s a freaking Gremlin.” Theo groaned, slumping his shoulders.
I walked towards the car, the light barely lit up the meadow in front of it. The car was green, or used to be green. Most of it was covered in full body rust.
“Gremlin..?” I heard Frankie ask.
“Yeah a 1970 AMC gremlin, like one of the worst cars ever.”
I shined my flashlight through the dusty window, straining to see anything interesting.
My light hit something bright alabaster. A skull laid on a pile of bones on the front seat, a human skull.
“Dude, there’s bones.” I said quietly, my mouth dry.
“What? Sick!” Frankie ran over, pressing his face against the window. “That’s like…a full skeleton.”
I nodded. “It’s been here a while.”
“Guys! There’s more cars over here!” Theo called out further into the woods.
We ran over, pointing our flashlights through the trees. Dozens of rusted cars lay buried in grass and bushes.
“Told you I knew where it was.” Frankie punched my arm.
I rolled my eyes and ran to look into another vehicle. More stark white bones filled the seat.
“This isn’t good.” I shivered.
“More in here.” Theo hollered as he peered into a different car.
I was suddenly hit with a sweet putrid smell, the stench of rot. I wrinkled my nose, cold sweat ran down my neck. I followed the decaying fragrance to a slightly more modern, less rusted car. I gawked inside, the smell making my eyes water.
On the filthy seat sat a bloated body. His swollen gut pressed into the steering wheel. His eyes bulged out of his sockets and his purple tongue filled his mouth.
I turned and threw up. “Oh shit..!” I staggering backwards.
As i dry heaved I noticed how quiet it had become. “Theo? Frankie?” I called, distancing myself from the stench.
I looked around, pointing my flashlight everywhere. They were nowhere to be seen.
I started to run, calling for them. I felt the hairs on my neck raise, the sense of being watched washed over me.
The sound of a car alarm made me jump. A little ways away a car lit up, alarm flashing. I swallowed dryly but caustically walked over and peered into the open drivers door.
Someone sat in the seat. A hand fallen off to his side. Fresh blood trickled out of his mouth. It was Theo. His eyes stared out empty. A hole in the side of his head.
I turned and ran, I tore through the woods. Barely seeing through the tears stinging my eyes. I ran till my legs and lungs burned. I made it to a main forest road, I wheezed as I walked down the pavement. Trying to catch my breath. Light peaked out behind the mountains in the distance. Tears still streamed down my face as I heard a noise.
A car pulled out of the woods behind me.