Bug Murder

My heart drops when I see it lurking in the shadowed corner. It’s numerous eyes beating at the sight of me. A shiver goes through my bones and one certain thought comes to my mind immediately: _I must kill you._

The black spider moves about in its corner as I plan its murder.

What shall I use for the weapon?

A shoe? _Yes_.

I also gather cleaning supplies, for I know the thick spider will surely splatter.

“Alright, it’s time,” I whisper to myself, looking at the spider with a smile.

I step up on a chair above my garbage can and make eye contact with the spider.

It’s still, and so I make the move.

I thrust the shoe at it and hear a small _crunch_.

The limp body of the spider falls into the garbage can below.

I look at the corner; no sight of a mess in need of cleaning.

I simply take the garbage out with the dead spider within and a successful smile on my face.

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