I Wish It Didn’t Happen

“Never trust a survivor until you know what they did to survive.” Huh, that must be why no one trusts me. I mean I don’t blame anyone, but what does being shot a few times show that I can’t be trusted? It’s not like I ever leaked anyone’s secret out. Well…I actually did but for good reason. Just listen, my best friend Marcus told me that this dude made him so mad that he wanted to kill him. What did this random dude do to make Marcus so mad you might ask. Well let’s just say this dude did a few things with his younger sister. And not good things, hell no. Bad, terrible things that you would never expect from a sweet 14 year old girl. It’s weird how grown up she has gotten now. She looks a lot different now that she’s in jail. It’s a shame really. Anyways, after Marcus had told me his plans on killing this guy well I couldn’t just let him do it. No, I had to go to the police, even if that meant him winding up in a cell. So I did. I told the police that he hadn’t done anything yet but that I would let them know if something happens. Now explaining it to him was the hard part that I was throughly not all prepared for.

“Marcus,” I uttered sitting down on the top of his bed. “You know how you wanted to uh,” a lump seemed to sit in my throat. “Kill this guy?” I swallowed the lump forcing it down. He breathed in deeply and slowly tensed his body.

“Uh, yeah. What about it?” He replied, sensitive about the subject. His hand on his dresser and his eyes on the grey carpet.

“Well, I know this is gonna be uh, hard to hear, but,” I began gradually responding. My mouth became stuck. Would he hate me? Would he never forgive me? Would he want to…kill me? I took a shallow deep breath just staring at him, frozen with fear.

“Gianna? Are you ok?” He questioned. I continued to sit there in terror. “Are you…afraid of me?” He asked a tear falling from his face. I just slightly nodded my head, a tear plummeting down from my eyes.

“I uh, I told the police,” I responded. My lips were quivering and each breath deep and shallow. I had no clue how he was going to respond. He just stood there gazing at me up and down with what I didn’t know was sadness or anger. “I was uh, worried that you would actually um, murder him.” I put my head in my hands. I couldn’t bear the look on his face. I soon then heard a click to something. I towed my head up to see a gun right in front of my head.

“There was one thing you did right Gianna. Do you know what that was?” His voice had changed into a darker and more ominous tone.

“Marcus?” I questioned with tears running down my cheeks.

“You fear me,” he replied, putting his finger upon the trigger. Right then and there, with no mercy he pulled that trigger, and he didn’t hesitate. He left me to die and ran off. I don’t know how I got to the hospital but I did. All I remember was waking up to hear the news on the television in my hospital room. Just seeing Marcus get put into a police car. I mean that’s what happens when you shoot someone. The memories were too great. I hadn’t seen Marcus in quite a while. Now his sister I had just seen on the news a few days ago. Apparently she had gotten drunk at a bar and shot a random guy. Their poor family. If only this crap hadn’t happened. God, I wish it didn’t.

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