Sink Into Who You Are

I have been resisting my true self for almost my entire life. It took a mental breakdown to force me to sit with the sadness, fear, trauma, to realize I have been forcing my existence.

It's like over all these years

I've been living with a tumor, that kept growing and growing because I knew it would hurt to go in there and rip it out.

Society will always tell you to be something you are not. Sink into what vou are, right here, right now.

For the first time, in a long time, I know my truth, and I'm letting go. I am not the same person I was yesterday, a year ago, five years ago. I will never live a fake life again, that is the ultimate promise to myself. Go with your flow, your truth may hurt, but after the pain is where the paradise lives

It’s not fear I smell, it’s the excitement of the unknown, the future is now.

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