You Know Everything About.

Dear Diary.

Day 0.

It’s been a while since I opened you, and have been keeping all my memories and my thoughts inside, and now I just want to let it all out, from my daily doings to my deepest secrets.

Your writer Jane.

Dear Diary.

Today I woke up at 10:00, it’s a bit later than I’m used to, but I was hung on in a dream and I didn’t want it to stop, but then my mom woke me up with all her messages. But after I was fully awakened an unexpected change came to my life.

Bip, bip, bip, my mom was calling, then I picked it up, focusing on all her sorry’s and explanations.

Then I told her to chill and that’s it’s okay.

Mom is not the kind of woman to panic, she always ready for anything that comes to her and she defeat it with a big smile. But I guess this got her by surprise real good.

After talking to her, I went to do exactly what she asked me to to, I picked some brooms, mops, towels, and some other cleaning supplies, and I started cleaning.

After couples of hours, mom arrived with them.

James and Jayce.

As long as I can remember James and Jayce, have being the antagonists of my life, and it’s really weird cause their mom is my mom’s best friend since they were in kindergarten, but me and the boys somehow can’t get along. The reason we hate with other so much is because of the constant bullying I was suffering from them and the pay back they were getting from, and they could not do nothing about cause I was always smarter than them. This hate relationship has being going on since we were 5, until my 13 birthday, they made a joke of my height and my short arms, and I made them pay for that, I made them ruin my cake and get banned, from my birthdays, that was my greatest plan of all.

As for that plan, it went better that I though, my moms best friend, felt bad and stoped sending them in summer until now.

I said hi, to them and they replied back.

And they were different, they were hotter.

Dear Dairy, is it weird that I think my enemies are good looking.

Dear Dairy it’s Jayce

I fell so weird around her again, ever since what happened at her birthday, she was really mean for doing that, but I forgive her we really made her mad.

Dear Dairy.

James here.

Dammm she is hot now. I know she probably hates me, or us. But damn she’s gorgeous.

Dear dairy, this is my second week with the guys and everything is cool, not wild as it used to be, I fell confiable around them.

And I think I like Jayce.

Dear dairy

It’s being a whole moth and now it’s time for them to leave, it’s so sad that I won’t be able to see Jayse the love of my life for another year.

Yours truly Jane.

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