Inspired by Jewelie Rain
Write a poem that transitions through two or more of the seven stages of grief: denial, bargaining, anger, depression, loss of self, reflection, and acceptance.
I’ve been crying a lot lately
But only in my head
A grief unborn
Like a leaky gas main
That travels underground
Snaking its way through life
Destruction unseen
If I can’t feel it
Does it really exist?
Can I weather
The lurking tidal wave
Will the dam hold?
An escaped tear
A sigh
Then back to the bargaining table
Maybe time isn’t real
What if in another dimension
Another reality
I can’t help but ask
Did you suffer too much?
Could I have…
But only silence ensues
Ugly as that final death rattle
I am angry now
Life isn’t fair
I wasn’t ready
Fate gives you no warnings
The brutality of this battle
A legion of sorrow
Death is so final
No hypotheticals
The unanswered questions
Must rest in peace