
That hot sweltering summer day, gusts of wind blasted out circular waves of daunting destruction,

Its blades of doom ripped and cut deep to the bones;

Older than the entire town, grand cypresses howled and groaned under the pressure of vapor laced twister whips,

Their sturdy bases thrashed and swayed with roots detaching from their homes;

Mauve hued honeysuckle flowers littered the ground and air,

The emerging storm spread and tore all life asunder,

Grey skies turned to emerald while the heavy clouds above erupted with all of Jupiter’s electrifying might;

Rain fell.

Waves of water and wind weaved together, houses and trees screeched alongside the katydids, all trying to survive and ride the tide,

Huddles of bodies sheltering under a mattress serving as a roof for the bathtub, the weather and noise outside began to lull,

Shades of green faded back to blue, the hurricane’s eye took over and all went still;

Silence fell.

Trapped within the massive storm, the rest of the greater globe ceased existing,

Tricked and fooled by the quiet, we took our stead to peak out the fragmented window,

Surrounded by newfound rivers as streets and cars its floating logs, I felt a strange calm,

The second wall of milky grey clouds twisted into layers soon appeared on the horizon,

Thick mist bled lavender color into the sky, there was no end in sight;

Rain still fell.

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