A Thundering Whisper.

Write a poem that could use this title.

Quiet Destruction

Tectonic plates keep our world together,

But they will be our danger forever.

They lie under the sea deep below,

They collide and the pressure begins to grow.

They produce a rumble that no-one really knows,

Except on a sizeometer where the pattern shows.

Then all of a sudden a loud bang is heard,

It pops your ears and turns your blood to curd.

The air cracks and the ground begins to rumble,

As people run and buildings crumble.

The noise is harsh and smashes windows,

As the ferocity of the earthquake grows.

Some people run and some people hide,

Unfortunately some people have already died.

This powerful quake came completely unseen,

And now has flattened this area like a bulldozing machine.

Mother Nature shows never to underestimate her,

As she shows off her Thundering Whisper.

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