The First Rule Of Parenting

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Now that right there should be the first rule of parenting. (Or at least in the top ten)

I can not even begin to count how many times I have asked the children to tidy their rooms, make their beds, or just pick up a single item off the floor, only to find they have either hidden stuff in the wardrobe, kicked it under the bed, or moan that it’s not fair or that it wasn’t them and they have no idea how it got there...

Also, Apparently, the correct way to make beds is to vaguely straighten the covers, and plop a teddy in the middle, and they are convinced it will hide the fact that the covers are in fact sideways. It really doesn’t. And on correcting the sorry mess, an entire outfit can be found lurking under the covers, along with a few more toys for good measure.

So if you want to save time wasting, save a load of aggro and if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

(Note: It’s not only the children this applies to…)

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