Submitted by Talon
Your significant other frantically calls you. As the call continues, you notice the person on the other end of the line sounds just like them, but the way they speak is slightly off in such a way that it brings an unsettling feeling...
The Skin Crawlers
Have you ever heard the screams of a loved one, beggin you to let them in to save them. Have you ever refused, knowing that your loved one is dead. Well, I have.
On May 11, 2135, I got a call from my loved one. They called me in a frantic tone, exclaiming that a skin crawler had invaded her work, and she needed me to pick her up. I remember so vividly, how her inflection was just slightly lower. How her breath seemed a little too ragged. The way she spoke was slightly off in such a way, that it brought about an unsettling feeling.
In as calm of a voice that I could muster, I explained that the skin crawlers were not in California, they were only in India.
Suddenly, I heard a bang on the door. “Honey, im home! Please let me in! Im so scared.” My hand faltered near the handle. I backed away to peek through the window, and sure enough, my wife was there. Until i remembered an unsettling fact. My wifes work was 15 minutes away. This was a skin crawler who had taken my wifes skin and now seeked to take mine for pleasure. I backed away from the door and squinted out the window.
My wife was standing looking in the direction if the door.
Suddenly, she whipped her head around it face me, with the widest, psychotic smile ive ever seen. She springed towards the window and started bangin on it, harder and harder, until the glass shattered beneath the weight of her fist.