Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.

It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.

Regretful Mistakes

A small gasp escapes from her _o _shaped mouth when my shaky hand plunges the knife into her gut. Wide watery eyes meet my as tears shower from her eyes like never ending waterfalls.

“I-I told you I didn’t cheat…I-I told you I wouldn’t lie…W-why won’t you…why didn’t you believe me.” She stutters out through broken tears and groans of pain. The knife shivers at my unstable hand. I just wanted to scare her, I never meant to stab her. Hatred still fills my expression despite my fear.

“Lenora told me he had his hand on your hip. You were smiling and blush-“ She’s quick to cut me off in my crusade.

“Lenora is a caniving- agh…A caniving bitch who wants to- ow…Wants to…Wants to steal you from me, from your…” She stops, the speech halting before her lips do. She grunts out in agony when I pull the knife. A deep red crimson stains my hand as it drips from the blade, red runs from her gut to her hips and side. I can’t look, even in my memories I can’t. A final cry leaves her lips as she limply falls into my arms. She’s like a sack, devoid of life. Her once shiny eyes dulled over with a goo like substance. I drop her crimsion staining my reflection. Shrill cries escape my mouth as I fall to my knees with a thunk. I pick her limp body onto my lap and caress her hair one final time. Red bleeds into her blonde hair from my dirty hands but I couldn’t stop myself. I weep myself numb as a way of goodbye to her.


My bitten lips shut as I tell the detective in brown all the details to the final moment he arrested me. He sighs and takes me to the jail cell, where I’ll rot. My sanity dying as her body decays. I close my eyes in sweet acceptance of my punishment as I breathe my last breath of free air.

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