
Our youth is as bright as the morning sun and warm as summer nights. The memories are cherished for a life time, but at that moment in life, it seems to go on forever! Wanting to get older and do all the cool things grownups do; having the freedom to choose how to go about the day and when to call it a night. Being carefree and focusing on nothing but fun!

Before we know it maturity comes and we wonder to ourselves; where have the years gone? We remember the times we were carefree and never knew what death was. We remember the innocent memories of our first love and kiss. We ponder on the thought of how far we came and how long it took and we wonder why we wanted to rush. The time now seems to go so fast! So distracted by the many responsibilities with barely any time to rest. Our patients are constantly tested.

When we are children we are so self absorbed and lost in our dreams and what we think the world is and when the clock ticks that innocence disappears and replaced with caring for others, doing what we know is right and a lot of the time forgetting our dreams in the process, because what’s more important is having a roof over our head, food on our table and clothes on our back. And just like that our years fly by!

We now take the time and remember our childhood. And we recreate our dreams into reality and the rest of our life will be the best of our life, but it all starts with the many savored memories from our youth. Now we prepare for our golden years.

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