Life Without You

The prompt is “life without you”

But to describe what it’d be like without you

I have to describe how it is with you

It’s like a hot day and you’re the sunshine

It’s like sorrow but you’re the relief

It’s like drawings but you’re the color

You’re the thing that makes things good

The smile on someone’s face

The warmth from the sun

The comfort movie

But… you’re also the thing

That makes things harder

You’re the sticky humidity

You’re the tear stained cheeks

You’re the breaking crayons

But… I love being your good thing

I love being the smile on someone’s face

I love being the warmth from the sun

I love being the comfort movie

Because I want to be your good thing too

You don’t need to be the good thing all the time

I don’t need to be the good thing all the time

We have each other

And that’s all the good things we need

So life without you would be like this

No sunshine

No relief

No color

No smiles

No warmth

No comfort

I couldn’t be happy nor sorrowful

Life would be bland


It’s safe to say that I hate life without you

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