You slide the bag across the table, the hooded figure opposite you peers inside. "Where the hell did you find this?!"

Continue this dialogue.

Only I Need To Know…

“Where the hell I found it is none of your business, now just hand over the reward and we can both be on our merry way.”

“Now, now, little girl you are apart of a much bigger oooeration here. You think I’m just going to hand over the money for this.”

Shooting up out of her chair the girl slammed her hands on the table furious with this man. “Yes! I expect you to hand over the cash then let me on my way!”

Making her way around the table she stared deep into where the man’s eyes would be if they weren’t covered. Seeing that she was only ten years old she was one of the most feared people in this whole operation, and this man did not know.

“Little girl do you know what your doing?”

“Yes I do now give me the money.”

“I want to know how you got it. How many did you have to kill to have it in your hands?”

“That’s not important right now.” The girls expression melted from furious to a touch of guilt and sadness, then back to fury and a bit of delight.

Scared the man took two steps back from her and dropped the bag of cash.

“Thank you sir.. now be on your way, so I don’t have to show you first hand what I had to do to get that.”

With a scurry the man fled the room his hood slipping off revealing short brown fluffy hair, she knew who he was.

A touch of horror swooped across her face in the realization that he had been working for her all along…

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