‘All in a golden afternoon, under the skies of cloudless blue.’

Write a poem that begins or ends with this line, adapted from Alice in Wonderland. Don’t feel limited to the themes and images of the book – see where else you could go from these words.


All the golden afternoon

Under the skies of cloudless blue.

I had nothing better to do,

But wait in my room.

I’d read through a book or two.

Waiting, and waiting, for something

New. After hours I’d still feel blue,

So I’d pick up my rose notebook

And write a poem or two.

Now the time would be around 12.

Life gets pretty boring when all your

Days feel like a living hell.

All I felt those days, was nothing.

I may as well have been a statue,

I couldn’t even move, not because

I was lazy but because it hurt, like

A cut that is to deep.

All it took was 13 years sitting under

Those cloudless sky’s, to realize,

It’s not my time to die. I laugh at that

Little girl now, she didn’t want to die,

She just wanted to be understood by

The people who called her blind.


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