Write the blurb for your book.

The blurb will help you think generally about your main plot points, your audience, and the purpose of your story.

Novel Blurb

About: The plot centers around twin conjoined girls in middle school years. They are trying to figure out their own identities while never being able to physically separate.

Main plotconflicts:

Antithetical personalities- they don’t agree hardly on anything

They are undergoing puberty

They are unpopular. While they often hate each other they are kind of all they have.

Differing morality and sexuality

Plot points:

Intro the characters in a fight - something as simple as clothes shopping could be a big deal (hook reader and start off in the middle of a conflict)

Omniscient pov that explains high level what the situation is and who our characters are. Some research backed explanation for how they are conjoined and what it means

From this intro, Alternating chapters for the twins to get into their individual heads. Their POV on events.

Twin A- going to cause some trouble (porn watching)

Twin B- disapproving but intrigued

As they become more defined individuals- the pressure becomes greater to separate them. Ongoing story conflict about getting the surgery, but some reason they cant (finances or health wise)

Twin A - is motivated by novel experiences, questions everything, tendency to bend the rules, avoidantly attached, straight

Twin B- lives in her own head, tends to stick with status quo, anxiously attached, depressed, hiding that she is gay

Continued conflict (middle school dance, decision to go on antidepressants, skipping school, personal style, boys)

Event that severs the girls emotionally, with impending surgery that is scheduled (emotional climax)

Surgery - could look like one or both may die

Successful completion of surgery- satisfying ending where they both get to be individuals physically and have a deeper appreciation for each other.
