An irrational fear has always stopped you doing a certain activity with your friends. Today, you decide you're going to face that fear...

Puppy Dog Eyes

Don’t give me those eyes

That innocent look

Like a children’s cartoon

In a picture book

That slobbering tongue

Panting for a pat

Show how you roll over

How you stood and you sat

That tail thump thump thumping

Nose nuzzling my thighs

And I just can’t escape

From those puppy dog eyes!

Though I know you’re a good boy

A sweet little man

I just cannot pet you

You don’t understand

When you flash that smile

That childlike grin

I catch sight of those teeth

And my head starts to spin

Those razor sharp canines

Could tear me to shreds

In seventeen seconds

I would be good as dead

I’m sure you would never

You’re an angel, so pure

But I still keep my distance

You can never be sure

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