The Boy With The Skull Face

October 31st is the day Skull Face emerges from his coffin. Nobody knows who he is—or what he is. The only thing we know is that he's dead, a zombie basically, and terrifying.

He wears an all black suit that blends in with the dark street and sky. He has long, raven hair that reaches his shoulders. And, then his face… his face is a skull.

Yes, an actual skull, not a painted skull or a costume skull.

He's been showing up on people's doorsteps for six years straight now. He's never said a single word. All he does is stare. People say that when he looks at you, you turn to stone, or die instantly.

I don't believe this. I don't believe that Skull Face even exists and if he does, I don't believe that he's as terrifying as people make him out to be. I think he's just some deranged kid that gets satisfaction from messing with gullible people.

That's why I plan on putting this sick act to rest. That's why I plan on going outside with the costume I made for a year straight. I made it as realistic as possible. If Skull Face were to stand beside me, we'd be identical.

7:08 PM …

I walk down the crowded street of a rich neighborhood. Kids are running from door to door with their Halloween bags and singing that one annoying song.

"Trick Or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat! If you don't, I won't be sad, I'll just make you wish you had!"

7:14 PM …

It seems that people are yet to notice me and lock their doors in trepidation.

Maybe, I made my costume so well that I actually blend in with my surroundings and they just haven't seen me yet. Whatever the reason is, I continue walking down the road in silence, searching for my first victim.

It has to be the most idiotic and gullible person ever. Then, I'll move onto the unbelievers. The children, I'll spare them.

7:18 PM …

This is the time I reach the Myers house. The Myers are the town nutjobs, they believe in everything occult. They were even the first people to have "seen" Skull Face. They say that he took the life of their oldest son, Roger.

But, Roger is a bad kid. He runs away every other day and never goes to school. I think that they just used that excuse to protect him.

I walk up their driveway which is decorated with skulls, ghost inflatables, fog, and halloween lights. Just as I begin to knock on their door, I see something out of the corner of my eye.

I ignore it, it's probably just some kid Trick Or Treating.

I ring the doorbell once. They replaced the normal tone with a recording of a witch laughing. I wait a few minutes before I go to ring the doorbell again, but then I hear someone and see a shadow.

This time, I look to see who it is. That's when I see him. I imagined him perfectly, and his costume is even more realistic in person.

"Skull Face? Oh wow, I'm a huge fan." I mess with him a bit. "Could I have an auto–"

I'm cut off by him aggressively holding his hand up and silencing me. I freeze, I can't even breathe.

"Thank you, you imbecile."

Imbecile? Wait?! Did he just talk??

"I have been waiting six years to be released from this evil, egregious curse. Six years I was forced to wear this hideous costume and suffer in silence, terrorizing innocent people."

So, it is a costume?

"But, you.. You have freed me by being just as stupid as I once was. I, too, believed that Skull Face was a dupe. I did the same as you, I copied his outfit just to prove how fake he was. Little did I know.. That was his plan."

At this point, not breathing is killing me and so are all the questions I have.

"I can tell that you are confused. However, it is your own fault. Since you have freed me, the curse has been transferred onto you. I do wish you well, friend. And, I pity you."

Then, he takes off the skull, revealing his actual face. It's Roger Myers. Roger was Skull Face this entire time.. and.. And he tricked me. I fell for it. I was more gullible than the entire town itself!

"In order to be freed from the curse, you must deceive, intimidate, and steal the souls of others until you meet an impersonator. It may take weeks, months, or years. Until then, you are immortal. There are three rules: Do not speak to anyone, ever. Do not remove the skull until you are freed from the curse. And, finally, never fall for an act like this again."

I stand, still frozen, and questioning my original intentions.

Roger hands me the skull and then walks away into the night. And, suddenly, I hate halloween.

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