“What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve believed?”
Start your story with a character asking this question.
POV: 4th Year
“What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve believed?” Remus heard James ask him. He thought only for a second, then responded, “That you and Sirius were innocent when I met you on the train.” He said, only a little jokingly. “That’s so mean!” Said James, acting hurt. “Actually, that’s a compliment!” Shouted Sirius, “We look so innocent that no one expects us.” Remus rolled his eyes. “Only I could ever think you lot could be ‘innocent’” Remus laughed. “Hey guys, can you go to sleep now?” Asked a sleepy Peter, “It’s like, two AM.” “He’s right, go to sleep,” Said Remus yawning, “You both have Quidditch tomorrow.”
“Well, I wasn’t as naive as you,” laughed Lilly the next day during the Quidditch match, “I knew they were trouble right when i saw them.— well, except for Peter. You and Peter have been corrupted by those two.” “Hey, I think James is starting to corrupt you too,” Remus replied. Just then there was a cheer. Gryffindor had won the game! He and Lily ran down to the team. “Lily!” Yelled James, running to her and swinging her around, “We one!” “Yeah Lily we one!” Sirius said mockingly, “She knows, James.” “Aww come on Sirius, you’re just jealous.” Remus said laughing, “To bad I’m too tall for you to swing around, maybe Peter will let you.” Remus said joking lightly. “You want to bet?” Asked Sirius, “What?” Remus asked, confused. Sirius picked Remus up by the waist and spun around with him, almost falling over. “Ha! I knew I could do it!” Shouted Sirius, who then bowed. Remus rolled his eyes and hugged James and Sirius. Then Lily joined in. And Peter. Then the whole team hugged them, even Professor McGonagal!
The Gryffindors walked back up to the dormitory, James and Sirius already planning the party for that night, Peter joining in and saying he would get the food from the kitchens. Remus smiled at them, not knowing what he would do without them.
The End