
It cautiously reached out an amber paw onto the beige colored dirt outside the cave. It had never seen dirt in this color before. Dirt was dark brown, like the skins of the otters from the lake.

It’s paw landed on the patch of beige ground. There was a tingling sensation that turned into a burning. The creature yelped and drew its paw back.

But the creature was brave. It stuck its snout out and looked up into the strange, light blue sky. It looked to its left and a blinding white beam made its eyes water. It squinted and turned away. It looked to its right and saw tall trees, their branches teeming with dark green leaves that looked delicious in the contrast with its light surroundings.

The creature inched its massive head out of the cave. It once again toed more of its body out, leading with the same paw, determined to explore this new, wondrous world, or at least the treats it had to offer.

As its paw touched the ground, it left it there. The tingling turned to burning but the sensation became more familiar, and soon the creature started to enjoy it. It felt a drip of liquid falling from its forehead. It licked it up - salty. Interesting. It didn’t know it could leak. Apparently leaking was part of this new world.

The creature set its sights back on the forest of delicious trees, and leaped out of the cave into the air. A light breeze blew past it. The air was lighter than the dank, heavy air of the cave. When it landed, it took in big gulps of this sweet, aromatic air.

It saw the tree ahead, but where it landed, it saw pink, purple, and orange flowers. They smelled like the air - sweet, relaxing, mouth-watering. The creature opened its mouth and mowed down a row of these flowers in one bite. As it crunched, it’s mouth filled with the saliva of longing. It pranced around the meadow ahead of the forest, engorging itself with more of these sweet, sweet flowers until it feel woozy. It plonked down in the grass, the ground reverberating beneath its heavy body, displacing the rocks around it. It stared up at the strange light blue and closed its eyes, enjoying the warm tingling that spread across its cheeks.

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