by Owen Vangioni @ Unsplash

Write a poem of story that could be titled 'I'm upside down'.

I’m Upside Down

I’m upside down The world is spinning But why are all the creatures grinning? I’m upside down Why can’t I stop? Tell me when the other shoe will drop I’m upside down Oh no, not again It’ll all calm down, but tell me when? I’m upside down I can’t do it anymore My head is getting light, and now it’s sore I’m still upside down But when will I fall? Oh how I wish I could stand proud and tall Will I forever be upside down? Or will I fall and eventually drown? Will I be right side up ever again? And when I stop spinning what then? I know others who spend time upside down too They’ve taught me things I never knew So I am upside down these days also But it’s not so bad and so When I am upside down now I turn right side up, I know how LLK.
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