Photo by Nick Scott @

Write a story set on this misty path.
Deep Breathes
Walking through the dark night on a misty, slim path, I think to myself, _Who am I?,_**_ Why am I on this path?_** Slowly treading through the misty air, I feel a cold sweat come amongst me…Confused as to why, because it’s cold outside and the breeze is slight but chilly._ What month is it? , What day is it?_ That’s what I thought. Even more confused, I took a _deep breath_. That’s all I can do as I walk, breathe, and think. Feeling a chill go up my spine, I look behind me…Nothing._ Deep breaths_ I walk faster, feeling fear enter my body, but why? feeling the fear get more intense, I run, running as fast as my legs can take me. **_Deep breaths_**, I hear running behind me. **_Who_**_ is this behind me? What’s going on?_ Hearing the footsteps, I whip my head around. **nothing**…Nothing was there, but how? Demented, I come to a slow stop…**_deep breathes._** ** “NINA” **_what? Who was that?_ _“NINA COME BACK.”_ _Whose Nina? Come back where? _I think.. **Am I Nina?** Hearing multiple footsteps, I run, **"NINA, YOU NEED YOUR MEDICINE.”** **_What_**_ medicine? _**_Who’s_**_ Nina? _**_What's going on?_** **_deep breaths_**, I fall unexpectedly, scraping my knee, and I look down at my attire. _A white gown? _Looking up, I see **three** people all in **scrubs**. **"Nina, come on, you can’t keep ****_escaping_****. You need your ****_medicine._**** Come here, just take a ****_deep breath_****.” **is all I heard as something stuck into my neck and the world went **black**.