Submitted by Lockitt Mobby

Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.

Dark Matters Destruction

Dark matter held a young girl hostage in his evil layer the girl was gaged”mmh” she muffled as she struggled to break free from the roof plaster came curmbling down “ so nice of you to show thunder” said dark matter “ ya this time I I brought friends meet aching and pain “ he said that as he lifted up his fist “ I see but this time you will feel the pain” dark matter went and turned on a camera that broad casted to the entire metropolis he held up a dark crystal next to the girl her eyes turned black and tried to scream in pain” No amara! Leave her alone you fowl creature what do you want.” Thunder demanded “oh well I am so glad you asked I want you to chain yourself up right over there and I will give you further instructions “ said dark matter thunder hesitated but new it was the only way to save his girlfriend so he did as dark matter requested he chaine himself up he wore a look of despair the girl managed to break free but was stopped by dark matter and the crystal her eyes again flooded with darkness “sit darling.” Said dark Matter “yes’s “ said amara blankly “don’t call her darling” thunder reprimanded “ I can say whatever I want you see anyone can be subdued” said dark matter “ now reveal your identity to the whole world or else you will never see amara again” he said as he said that amara broke free from the spell and pleaded “ pleas don’t do this you can’t reveal your identity “ she begged and begged but it came to a conclusion “ I have to I am mark Robinson “ said thunder dark matter laughed maniacally as Amara and mark were trapped in the jaws of defeat then a sudden flash of lightning came and marks superpowers and suit dissapeared and was left with a regular day outfit then bright red flame came reword them and swept over them the layer disappeared only what was left was a pile of ash

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