A Feeling Misunderstood

As I sat on the edge of the cliff next to my best friend, the sun was setting. We were on a trip across a forest for the past two days to talk and to get away from society.

“This feeling is weird. It makes me feel empty. It makes me want to cry but for what? I don’t know.”

“I think this feeling is because I lost my brother to a car crash a week ago but I have never felt this way before. What is it?”

I looked down across the chasm and I sank down, feeling lost.

“The feeling makes me not want to talk to anyone. I want to crawl up into a ball and cry. I feel alone, but also safe.” I finished saying to my friend.

My friend looked at me with understanding in his eyes.

“I have had the same feeling for the past three months.”

“Its called depression, you’ve only started. But I can help, okay?”

“Okay… depression… huh. Good to know what it is.”

“It is less of a feeling and more of a state of being. You will be able to get out of it, we will. We’ll be fine… hopefully.”


“You can’t just snap out of it. It’ll take time. You have to embrace the feeling, understand it to get rid of it.”

“What if I don’t want to get rid of it.”

“You have to. You have to move on with your life, and I will be there with you the whole time.”

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