"We're in this together, but I'm not sure I can trust you," he confessed under his breath.

Continue the story from this line.


Hi guys I found some old writing from a couple years ago from my 2 year going story and i wanted to share (btw it is not finished)


The young pup stared at Denali eagerly from the doorway of his den.

 “Whisper go back to bed it is late,” Dinalie told the young pup 

“Dada stowy!”  the young wolf told Dinalie looking at him with her bright blue eyes and eager tilt to her head

“No whisper,” he told her “it's too late, go back to mommy’s den I will see you in the morning.”

“Dada stowy!” she told him over again. Determined, her piercing blue eyes stared at him he could almost feel them working their deep claw under his pelt

“Ok  Whisper one story,” Denalie said, giving up “ but only if you go to bed after it.”

“I will dadda,” she told him confidently, “ I promise to da great moon and sun wolf.”

“ Ok, then which story?” Denali asked

“Da great beginning stowy!” she told him as if she had thought it over many times that night  

Denali shifted his position on his mossy den ledge, curling his tail around whispers small black pelt

“So the story starts when the great world was not the same,” whispered Denali “ before the great sun and moon wolf were born and only  two packs were around. These two called the kaldar pack and the birna tribe. The only problem was that the two packs were at war over the great spirit stone, a  colorful stone of magic said to control the moon and sun.”


 “Yes, whisper?” 

“Why were they fighting over da rock?”  

“ because it's a magical rock silly wolf pup.” 

“Oh, so why aren’t we still fighting about da rock?”

“  I’m getting to that part.” 

“Ok, so the packs have been fighting for many years when suddenly two pups were born into the packs. The one who was gifted the name of Moon was born to the Kaldar and the one who was given the name of Sun was born to the Birina. One day Moon was out collecting  for a fever a wolf in her pack had come down with. Sun happened to be hunting for fish at a lake near when he fell off a rock. 

he was reaching down to grab a big juicy trout in his jaws and fell into the half-frozen lake, see back then wolfs didn’t know how to swim so when moon heard him screaming for help so she having her big heart she ran down to the edge of the river and reached out a paw but she couldn’t reach. but thanks to her quick thinking she turned around and grabbed a big long piece of driftwood in her mouth and reached it out to Sun. As soon as was within reach he clamped his jaws on and didn’t let go till he had been pulled in by Moon.”  

“Dada?”  whisper interrupted “why did da Moon wolf save him if der packs are enemies?” 

“ Because the moon wolf has a big heart!”  Denali  whispered “ Just like you!”

Denali nosed whisper in the chest causing her to fall backwards into his chest fluff  

“ So whisper, do you want to get on  with the rest of the story?”

“Yes dada!!”

“Ok so where were we… Oh how the moon wolf saved the sun wolf! So Moon just pulled Sun in from the first lake and Moon now had a good look at this wolf: he had a long tail, an orangish pelt and big burly legs which to Moon looked quite odd on such a scrawny wolf  but in an odd way he looked quite handsome. In my opinion he was much handsomer than hippo, the wolf she was supposed to marry who looked like an opossum had barfed him up several times and had the social status of a actual hippo”

Whisper let out a snort 

“For the rest of the day moon and sun hunted for herbs and fished without falling in fact these two hung out every day and started to fall in love”

“ wike you and mommy?” whisper interrupted

“Kind of…,” answered Denali, “Ok so moon and sun were falling in love when one day Moon's friend Lies of kiel saw her sneaking into the woods and decided to follow her. He followed her through the pine woods and to a cave over by the Amulet river where lies of kiel hid behind a big gray Boulder. Moon sat down and sat there for a long time so long lies of kiel was about to head back to the pack when Something rustled in the bushes on the other side of the clearing and And an orangish wolf emerged walking up to Moon and nuzzling her. But it wasn't just any wolf he had the smell of their enemy pack he had the smell of the firsts.  as he was in his own bubble something grabbed him by the Scruff of his neck “Looks like Somebody's been spying on us!” said the big muscular orangish wolf For he had snuck up on Lies of keil when he was thinking about  this other wolf, his friend Moon was  nuzzling. “ LIIIEEES PLEASE DON'T TELL THE PACK!” moon was sobbing claws digging into the earth” 

“NO DAD THAT'S NOT DE WAYS IT GOES!” Whisper exclaimed.

 “Well how does it go” said Denali patiently

“Wall it goes dey leave go to magic castle cave have puppies with magic powers.”

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