The sand, It flows, High into the clouds like a river of sun rays and moonlight Or a tornado, sweeping all in its path gobbling up every inch of soil and debris greedly hording it away just to toss it somewhere later. Crashing thru buildings walls roofs Drowning Drowning Drowning Suffocating pain is the sand Yet Sand is also beautiful Dangerously beautiful Like the frothing waves of high tide The calm before a thunderstorm The sound of the tik tik tik of a dangerous clock Or the sound of an avalanche Calm Calm Death Death and Destruction Yet it seems to be a beautiful song
I found this prompt really inspiring becuase just recently I went on a trip and went ice skating for the first time (it was pretty easy becuase I roller blade a lot) and met this random girl with the same intrests as me and we skated for like four hours
If you see this, I saying hiiiii
Slippery Cold Wet A constent battle, Feet slipping THUNK Slippery Cold Wet “Practice makes perfect” they say But you dont quite see it that way A constent battle With wet hard ice Sliding along Slow Slow Slow I think i had caught a grasp you exclaimed Just before the.. Slippery Cold Wet Pain Falling Falling Falling Forever it seems I has to end Some way Some how THUNK You hit the ground You stand back up Brush the wet off yourself And keep on skating through