Blank Canvas

His face was like a blank canvas. It had no emotion to it. He did not smile and he did not frown. His face was always stuck in the same dead expression. People used to try and make him smile, laugh sometimes even cry but nothing worked. Nothing. He was pale and dark haired almost like a vampire. He scared people sometimes without meaning to. His face was just so blank and his under eyes so dark that some thought he’d escaped a mental hospital. He hadn’t: he’s always been this way. Even when he was a baby he did not cry, he did not whine he didn’t even giggle. He just sat and played with things half-heartedly. It made his mother sad. Terribly sad. She felt like it was her fault, like she hadn’t done enough. One time, a girl his age tried to tickle him. Nothing. Then she kissed him. Still nothing. He did not blush or get flustered. He simply walked off. That left her stunned. In fact it left everyone around them stunned. Some people say he’s depressed, others say he’s a freak or a psycho. Me? I say he just needs to find a special someone that’ll change his life. But as of now, he will always be known as The Silent Watcher..

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