
He put his laptop away. It was the only means he was allowed to search the web. His hands itched for more…

He knew the potential this technology had, but he also knew his own weakness. The entirety of human history, culture, art etc were at his fingertips and yet he always found himself scrolling past mindless videos of scantily clad women lip syncing or dancing…

He would lose track of time while going down rabbit holes of a myriad of conspiracy theories. The supernatural and occult was of the outmost interest.

This was a dangerous thing to one such as him. He was from a culture where men homestead and start families. Men of hard work and old world traditions.

But by god, were these distractions of the modern world addictive!

He brought the laptop out of the drawer, hesitating a bit as the urge to scroll the web overtook the guilt and shame of his dwindling self control and discipline…or rather, a lack thereof.

The laptop opened, the glow of its illuminated screen consumes him as his hands began to type by mere force of habit…xvide…

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