Inspired by Kendall Ripleys
A creature that has lived in a dark cave for its whole life experiences light for the first time.
Write a heavily descriptive piece about this experience.
Return To The Cave
He had waited 14 years for this moment. The days felt as if they kept slowing down, the sun taking eternity to set and another eternity to rise once more. Now he was ready. Excitement overwhelmed him as he accepted the challenge. He stepped into the open world, his vulnerable soul on display for all to see.
He wondered around, exploring the new world that opened up in front of him. He saw other animals for the first time. His mum and dad, left behind in the cave. He had been the first one to venture out. These other animals puzzled him, they where different- some vicious and strong, others small and meek- they were unlike him. ‘Why was he different?’ He thought to himself. He had never been exposed to the variety of life in front of him, he felt isolated and alone yet liberated. He decided he was done with the outside world and tried to go back to the cave but the pull, the longing to continue onwards overcame his body. He just kept on going and couldn’t stop until…
‘Henry, dinner is ready!’
He closed Instagram and put his phone in the table, then ran down the stairs to join his parents. He had returned to the cave.