‘Where there once was softness, now all had turned to stone'
Write a poem which closes with this line.
The Love Of A Stoned Heart
Living a fruitful life
Is what we all dream of
Finding our purpose
Is the only thing we constantly think of
Learning to let go of our hurt to move forward
That is the part we least want to be apart of
A heart so full of love
A mind so full of wisdom
A soul so full of peace
Yet no one truly understands you as you wish
Betrayal, heartbreak, disloyalty, dishonesty, disrespectful, unworthy
Are all the things you’ve been through by the ones you thought knew you
With a new found self love
A healed heart
A more wise mind
A soul overflowing with peace
People who accept you just the way you are
By loving you more & setting your own tone
Where there was once softness, now all turned to stone
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