The Revelation

Write a poem with a structured rhyme scheme, using this as the title.

Revelations Dark Cloud

Revelations from the Darkest Cloud

I've been wondering why she don't come around. I lost my sound

It was a single link, but I touched the ground

Better than old mentalities

Lost and found strategies

Bittersweet tragedies

prayers for magistrate

Scared beyond straight, its love and hate

Two steps from flirting with this girl named fate

She cute, but the love is fake

A tingle in her lips taste

I'm consumed by the alter gates

6 books and seven chapters. I wish they'd alternate

Just something to change the pace when I’m losing face

Black dude with an open case, what am I supposed to say

Super Duper Man came with a bolder face

I saw him fly over the hill.

Who is gonna save

Not me;

I'm on the hidden side battling with suicide; this ish is do or die, no hero in sight. They gone let me slide?

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