Sin: The Predator

Sin's a predator. The twisted face, the crimson, stained teeth, the contorted, shadowy figure crouching at your door, your window, the deep recesses of your mind. Like a lion, it stalks the night with sickeningly sweet whisperings of, "Harken to me, come eat of sweet fruit and die, for life is short, and pleasure is sweet. Do not go gentle into that good light. Rage, rage against the promise of the Christ." And with its cunning, the creature, the inner man, entices you to stumble. Into its trap you fall; then you see it, the yellowed eyes that stare through your soul. Guilt. The crimson teeth that snarl and gnash. Death. For the wages of sin is death. You are stuck in the snares of sin, struggling to get out, but you cannot move, you cannot breathe. You will surely die. But lo, behold the hand reaching down from Heaven to you, sinner. Remember, you are washed clean by the perfect blood of Christ if you believe on Him to save you. Take His hand, and become no longer a slave to sin, the predator, rather a child of Christ, the Savior.

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