'I have forgotten.'
Write a story with this as the final line of dialogue.
A Conversation
“It’s been a while.”
“Where have you been? I missed you.”
_“Not everything is for you to know.”_
“Maybe. Maybe this should have been.”
“Do you ever feel guilty?”
_“About what?”_
_“If you’re just here to berate me, then leave. Give a dying person peace.”_
“Are you?”
_“Am I what?”_
_“It feels like I am.”_
“What does it feel like?”
_“To die?”_
_“It feels like something is catching up to me.”_
“I can only pray it’s your past.”
_“That isn’t fair.”_
_“We all make mistakes. Mine just seemed to affect you the most.”_
“That’s because I loved you.”
“Don’t act like you didn’t know.”
_“Don’t act like you still know me.”_
_“Was it you or I that stopped reaching out?”_
“Does it matter? Wouldn’t we still be here, all these years later, you on your deathbed? Would any of it have mattered if you knew?”
_“I don’t know.”_
“Then why do you ask?”
_“I suppose questions are natural of someone who’s about to lose every chance of getting them answered.”_
“So you’ve lost hope, then.”
_“I don’t have any choice.”_
“Don’t you want to fight? Don’t you care any longer? Don’t you remember what it felt like to _want_ to have a choice?”
_“I have forgotten.”_