Write a fantasy story based around the last message you sent to a friend.
The Fantasy genre typically contains magic, supernatural or mythological elements.
I’m Stronger
“If I need “help”, then you’re coming with me.” His eyes flared in the reflection of the mirror.
“So basically you are going to drag me down with you.” She glared at him annoyed.
“Exactly! Now you are getting it.” He smirked, his eyes began to glow. Her eyes glowed a similar colour, “We are connected, I think you forget that, my dark past is also your dark past.”
“The one difference is, I tried to change. Your methods are complete nonsense. Your theory is utter insanity and you, you are a monster.”
“Oh, take a look at yourself, we are both monsters.”
She stares into the mirror, staring back is a girl she once knew, power hungry, the red glow of her eyes was a reminder of that. “Not anymore, I’ve changed, you are the same scared, broken boy you always were.”
“I AM…!” He paused and took a breath “I am not broken.” He turned to the girl and outstretched his fingers, using his power to fling the girl into the wall, making her drop onto the floor. “If you are going to turn me in for everything I’ve done, then you will be going down with me, and I’ll make sure of it.” His fingers started to turn an ash black.
She tilted her head up, her vision going in and out, “you need help…” she whispered.
“I need what!” He exploded.
“HELP! You need help. You know what! You are broken, damaged, scared! I can hear it in your voice!” She rose up off of the ground. “We have both done terrible things in our life, but we can change, I’ve already started. Now it’s time for you. Let go of the past. Please…”
He chuckled and knocked her back against the wall, “honestly I thought you were smarter than this, stronger too, I guess I was wrong.” He started walking away, “You’ve changed, really, you’re getting weaker and weaker, even your glow isn’t as bright as it was.” He rolled his eyes and continued to walk towards the door. “It’s laughable honestly, to see how you have crumbled.”
Her hands start to glow a yellowish colour and her eyes that were once red are now this same colour. She raises her hand and rises to her feet. The boy feels himself being dragged back into the room, he turns to see what’s going on.
“W-what happened.”
“You’re right, I have changed, but you are wrong about the weaker part. If anything, I’m stronger.” She pulls him back a bit, “Stronger than my past.” She pulls him back more, “Stronger than I was before.” She pulls him back more, “Stronger than my fears.” She pulls him back and turns him around so they are face to face, “and stronger than you.”
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