Write a story about a child creating a time capsule to be opened in 500 years.

What they include could be silly or useless, or maybe they have some interesting thoughts about the future.

Borrowed Treasures

Dear Future People (sorry if you go by something else now),

I am hiding this time capsule so you can enjoy the coolest things of our time. I know by the time you open this you’ll have your own cool stuff that is better than ours, but at least give it a chance.

The first item is a Game Boy SP. it’s the blue one that flips open with a screen and buttons. I left Donkey Kong in it so you have a game to try. Avoid the bees, trust me. I couldn’t find a charger, but I’m sure the battery will last at least a 100,000 years. It’s never died on me yet.

The second item is Moon Shoes. This is great because I haven’t gotten to go to the moon yet. Have you? If you have, try the shoes on and let me know how they compare to the real experience. I live behind the middle school at the house with the bright yellow door.

I’ve also placed a fewer smaller items in here for you too. There’s a yo-yo, slinky, magnet blocks, and a furry diary with matching glitter pen. I’ll let you figure these out on your own.

I hope you get more enjoyment out of this stuff than I did. I’m sure you’ll be safe, but maybe be discreet. This stuff is all borrowed treasures. Anyways enjoy your time with things from the past, and if a big ugly guy named Eddie asks anything, run.

Good Luck,


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