Art by Sans @

Monsters can be heroes too. Write a short story in which a monster saves the day.


Once upon a time the world was flat. Once upon a time the world was black and white. Once upon a time the world was at war.

All countries were at war which would go down in history as fighting for the last land. Back in 2039 the ice from the North and South Pole collapsed. Making a ripple of water crash into the lands. The Earth was covered in water and all great cities were destroyed. Humans were becoming extinct as well as other land animal. Sea animal began to evolve and thrive in their new environment. The humans began to create boats and cities that can float above the waves. In 2080 the humans had become settled in their new way of living...until the new land appeared. Land the size of old China would be a great investment for the humans to reconnect and live once again. This is how the war began. Humans from different sea harbours began to wage war. The first to destroy their enemy would have the land. 2087 the humans were dwindling in numbers. Too many sacrifices had been made.

Gorru was a sea monster. He was once an octopus but the nuclear fuel released into the sea had altered his size, appearance and tolerance for humans. Gorru was the name given by the humans he had destroyed. All the new cities in 2086 he had destroyed. Somehow he became a legend to the human which they feared. The locals near the new land had protected the area for the new wildlife. The clan of Deco were near in numbers to invade the locals and take control of the new land.

Conor was a soldier for the clan of Deco. He had seen the Gorru when he was a boy. He feared the creature but would stop at nothing to get the land he wanted for his family. The sea was as rough as time. Conor stood at the edge giving orders to his men. Today was the day he would take the new land.

Gorru had a feeling as soon as he awoken that war was beginning. The vibrations in the water were warnings of the fleet that was on the way. He saw above how the local children swam around the island. Gorru swam to the surface allowing the water to push the children back to the local ship which was parked in front of the new land. The clouds above were grey and they seemed to cover all the sky. Gorru saw the fleet with their heavy armed ship approaching full speed ahead.

Gorru pierced his eyes lifting his large tentacles up in defence. He had protected the new land for decades...he will not lose today. He would not allow humans to destroy the last hole for animal kind and to keep the local landers safe who have saved creatures of all kinds.

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