If victory had a literal taste, it would taste like…
Green With Envy
There he was—beneath the dim, damp lamppost,
My love and the thief holding so close.
Her laughter rang, a delicate tone.
But I craved what she called her own.
She kissed him passionately, her smile sweet.
My heart is bitter, worn, and incomplete.
Taking back what’s mine, obsessions outweigh.
But a battle, a challenge, a game to play.
They kiss goodbye, their bodies part.
The sight heats my brittle, green heart.
Acid sharp, sitting heavy on the tongue,
A storm churns in my chest, my senses undone.
Envy gnawing at my composure, unfair.
The hunt begins: I, the wolf. She, the hare.
She walks through the city, she walks alone.
Little does she know, I’ve followed her home.
She unlocks the door and there she finds,
A knife has impaled her stomach from behind.
She gasps, stumbles forward, and falls.
I’ve caught my prey, winner takes all.
Victory tastes like her blood on my blade,
like the metallic crimson of the game we played.
Victory tastes like my prize’s lips,
like the fire and passion of our long kisses.
For love is war, and I’ve prevailed.
the hare has faltered, lost, and failed.