The Blood Bag

That did not help anything, said the look on my friend, Erica’s face. She’s right of course, I am lying down at the bottom of the stairs with blood on my clothes.

“Then who’s is it? And why did you fall down the stairs?” Erica shouted at me.

“I was practicing teleporting blood when I accidentally summoned a large bag of blood.” I called back. “It was so heavy it knocked me down the stairs, then exploded!”

“Didn’t I tell you not to mess with my mom’s teleporter? We better get this cleaned up before she gets back from work.” Erica called.

“Fine…” I groaned.

Then I got up and we cleaned up the blood. We decided to watch TV for the rest of the afternoon. Until Erica asked me,

“Wait, why did you want to teleport blood in the first place?”

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