by Adellanuki @ deviantart

Use this image as the setting for a story, poem, or descriptive piece.

I Made A Mistake

I have a choice

Stay where i am

Or go to the light

It’s cold where i am

It’s dark

It’s lonely

But i can still be visited by my family

If i go to the sunshine

I can’t see them anymore

I can’t feel their touch

I can’t feel their tears on me

I can’t hear them begging me to wake up

Do i want to wake up

It seems so nice to be on the other side

But is it worth losing everything

This is the biggest decision

Do i want to stay in my life where i am

I did this to my self

I wanted it to end

Why am i doubting myself

This was my decision

I am the one who took the drugs

Why don’t i want to go to the sunshine

Maybe its just stormy right now

Maybe sunshine will happen when I open my eyes

Maybe sunshine will happen when i hug my mom again

If I give up and don’t wait for the sunshine to come to me i can never feel her hugs again

No you wanted to give it up

Why are you changing your mind

It’s never going to change

It’s been dark for to long

It’s time to walk through those doors

It’s time for my heart to stop

It’s time for the pain to stop

Good bye mom

Never stop hugging

Please mom hug me one more time before i go

I wish I could tell her it wasn’t her fault

She didn’t know i was like this

It is to late

Mom i love you

I can’t leave my mom

Im stuck

I don’t know what to do

I am going to stay

At least I could see sunshine is possible

I will find my sunshine

I will open my eyes

Open your eyes

Open them

I can’t open them


I don’t want to leave

Why is she crying


Hold me

Mom don’t let go


I don’t like the sunshine

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