The Cellar

Although I couldn’t see, something told me that I definitely wasn’t alone in the cellar.

It was pitch black and darkness surrounded every coner of the room. I was as blind as a bat down here and couldn’t even see my hand waving in front of my face. Yet, I new that someone— or _something_ was in here with me. I could feel it. Like when you walking into a room late for something and can feel everyone staring at you. That’s how I felt, like something was watching me, judging me.

I curled myself up into a ball and started rocking back and forth. Who was in here and what did they want with me?

Exactly one hour ago, I had been skipping merrily through the woods near my new house collecting wood for a fire. I had begun to walk down the trail to my house when I heard my mothers voice call out. “Sylvia! Hurry, I’m in the cellar!” She cried, “come quickly, you’ll want to see this!” I thought that it was strange she was down in the cellar, we don’t usually like to go down there, it was almost impossible to see everything and gave a spooky essence.

I ran quickly down the path and once I arrived home I grabbed a nearby candle and lit it. I opened the door to the cellar and slowly began to walk down. “Mother?” I called out careful not to slip on the crooked stairs. “Down here, Slyvia!” My mother called out from the far end of the cellar. I had reached the bottom step and waved my candle around the room, the fire lit the whole place up, but I didn’t see my mother. _That’s_ _strange_, I thought as I started to head back up the stairs. Suddenly, I froze. The door to the cellar gave a loud screech as it closed, but that’s not what had scared me. Just before the door closed my mother voice came from upstairs. “Sylvia, I’m back! Where are you?” She called out for me. If my mother had just gotten home than what had called me down here? The candle suddenly went out.

Now, I tried to steady my breathing as I tightened my hands grasp on the candle. Even if whatever is down here tried to attack me, I couldn’t chase it off with a candle, but it made me feel safer. “Mother!” My voice shaked with fear as I yelled, “where are you? Please, mother, I’m in the cellar!” No response. Tears began to stream down my face. I cried not just because I felt sorry for myself but also because I no longer knew if my mother was alright. But first things first, if I made it out of here, I could find my mother. I let go of the candle to wipe the tears off my face. But the candle never hit the ground.

I felt around for it. Nothing. Very suddenly, I felt a coldness draw closer causeing my to shiver. “No use in trying,” I dark and evil voice echoed, “they’ll never find you here.” My face grew pale and everything went fuzzy.

Not one thing in this house has stirred since then, not one thing moved, and not one living thing went near this house. Legends and stories say that an evil magic guards this house, and kills anyone who tries to take the house away from it.

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