Inspired by lori_potato
You've kindly been using your magic to heal people, but discover that in the long term it's killing them...
Doctor Magic
Green lightning flew from the pair of hands into the leg in a brace. The elderly women sitting on the examination bench face quickly turned from pain too shock, and then too happinesses. She quickly ripped off the brace and jumped down from the table.
“Oh thank you Doctor Magic I haven’t my leg hasn’t felt this good in ages!” She exclaimed as she did an energetic swing dance.
“Here have $10,000 for all your kind work!”
“No thank you misses Grandtanmantonopolis, I don’t do this for the money but so people can feel better.” Doctor magic said cheerfully.
Doctor magic was known far and wide for her wonderful healing abilities that she offered to any one in need for no cost. The origins of her powers were unknown but she go them while on an expedition to the hidden temple of the god of death.
Dr. Magic began to clean the room when all of a sudden she heard a shrill scream from the lobby. She ran out of the room to the lobby where she saw Miss Grandtanmantonopolis unresponsive on the ground. Dr. Magic flipped over her body and then saw the gruesome skull shaped wound on her forehead doctor magic checked for a pulse her face changed from inquisitive to melancholy quickly and she closed the elderly women’s eyes. Dr. magic saw Grandtanmantonopolis off and notified her family of her death.
After the ordeal was done Dr. M grabbed a shovel and a rain coat and walked into the forest behind her practice. She found the remains of a burned down log cabin and walked towards the wooden cross that was in the center of the remains. It started raining and she began digging the grave until she hit an object with her shovel. She quickly whipped away the dirt from the top of the object and pulled out a bright red chest. She pulled out a dragon shaped key from the pocket of her lab coat and opened the chest.
Two red eyes beamed from the inside of the box.
“So you have returned even after what I did to your fiancé.” The obsidian skull said from the inside of the box.
“WHY DID YOU KILL HER!!!!” Dr. M lamented.
“Because I was jealous” the skull barked.
“Why would you be jealous of an old woman!” DrG yelled now annoyed.
“Why would you call Betty an old woman she was only 20.” The Skull said.
“I’m not talking about Betty im talking about today Ms. Grandtanmantonopolis”. Dr. M yelled
“I don’t even know who that is”. Yelled the skull.
“Oh.....” Dr M fell to the ground and looked hopeless.
“Who else would have killed her.” Dr M said.
She thought about her day struggling through her thoughts
“Eureka!” Dr. M exclaimed “lets go I know who did it!”
10 hours later at the big medicine skyscraper a man in a suit paced around his office talking to his speaker phone on his large wooden desk. “And thats why we need to make ambulance rides more expensive!” Everyone on the other end of the line began to clap.
“Haha yes! And now that Dr. Magic is to depressed we can raise the price of all medical treatments!” Just then Dr. M holding the obsidian jumped out from behind the desk. “Why would you do this! Now I know I am a doctor but now I must use my powers of healing to unheal your life!”
“Haha yes kill him my pupil” obsidian skull said menacingly. Dr. Magics hands began to glow red with lightning. The man in the suit backed up towards the giant window and put his hands ip to stop the blast. “Please dont I have a wife.” Dr. Magic’s eyes widened and she slightly put her hand down. “Haha the man yelled I dont have a wife as he did a spin and grabbed the claymore off the knigharmor next to him but it was to heavy and he swung it into the window behind him and fell out after the claymore. A womens voice on the phone began to speak “this looks bad we will continue this confrence next week but we will kill you Doctor Magic you cannot get in the way of are profits any longer.” Six beeps played as everyone excited the conference call.
“Well good thing I didn’t kill him!” Dr.M said. Then her and obsidian skull laughed for ten minutes and got some pie.